The Mantra that inspires me!

“Aum Jaganmangaloham Bhabaami”

Meaning: I am getting prepared for the good of the Universe. … My body, mind, life force, soul – all are being prepared/aligned for the good of the Universe.

This mantra is due to Shree Shree Swami Swarupananda Paramhansa Deva. It is gender sensitive: ‘mangaloham’ for him and ‘mangalaham’ for her – please read it accordingly. While reciting / reading it, one may think that she / he is getting prepared to do something good for all the leaving and non-living beings of the Universe.

A sample audio file of the said Mantra (in original voice of Shree Shree Swami Swarupananda Paramhansa Deva, popularly known as Babamoni) is made available here:

Dr. Virginia Moore meets Swarupananda in Varanasi

Dr. Virginia Moore of Scottsville, USA wrote about her meeting with Shree Shree Swami Swarupananda Paramhansa Deva in her book: The Whole World, Stranger (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957).

Please read her experience (under the title “DR. MOORE MEETS THE YOGI”) here.

One may also access it from the permanent link:

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